above // taken approx 40' inside the non-descript cave opening on the north side of mokalua island, a 3/4 mile snorkel off of lanikai beach, oahu.
to explore it safely, conditions need to be feelin rasta | i.e. low tide + calm waters + adventurous spirits
this sunday, the stars were right, and we were able to liven up ourselves / let our souls glooow all afternoon.
you begin at a rabbit hole of sorts, a space just high enough to swim through and breathe occasionally without hitting your head. then you drift in with the help of the incoming tide, holding onto the mossy rock faces to stay centered. just as the crevice opens a bit wider, you feel the sand meet your feet and begin the jive atop the sandy beach. peering forward, it's squinty black and uneventful. then, about 15' farther you reach the dry beach, with just enough space for 6 to assume the lotus. looking back, you realize why it was you came. the cave scatters the incoming light over the water, illuminating the space with a deep glow of swirly iridescent blue.
[[not for rent]]

not for rent!! 8)
Wow! That blue room is awesome. I would like to go there with a certain Jersey boy named Gary.
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