Tuesday, July 08, 2008

In Your Prayers

Keep in mind Captain Zero, Allan Weisbecker - author of Cosmic Banditos & In Search of Captain Zero. Allan is a good braddah from out east and is having some major health issues. As reported on surfline.com today:

OPEN LETTER: John here, Allan's friend and web guy. Many of you may be wondering why Allan has not responded to inquiries and feedback related to his last DSP about his return to Costa Rica. The fact is, Allan is seriously ill and has not been able to check email.Friends have asked that I keep the details of his illness private for now, so I'm going to respect their wishes and say only the following: He is seeking treatment and his condition is treatable (as in curable) if things go well in the next few days; though, as I write this, he is fighting for his life.I have set up a message board/guestbook for those of you who would like to show your love and support for Allan. Please take a moment to sign it and send some positive thoughts his way. Your support has always been extremely important to him... now more than ever.The message board is at banditobooks.com/guestbook.php.

1 comment:

mich said...

captain zero is immortal.