Tuesday, April 29, 2008

the slick

IF you've ever had trouble adjusting your LokBox fins so that they sit flush to the board, I've recently discovered the remedy to cure this. First be sure that both the fin and the fin box are free of sand, wax, your gfk tapes, whatever. Find some dish soap, eco-friendly dish soap that is, and evenly apply it to the entire surface of the plastic base of the fin. Set the fin in the box and tighten down using a flathead screwdriver that fits the screw snugly so that you don't strip it. Once it's tightened properly, grasp the fin like the grip of your burner and rock it back and forth while applying downward force. This step is crucial as it drives the fin down deeper into the box. After this step, you will see that the screw can be tightened some more. Repeat this step as needed and you're stoked.

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