Monday, October 22, 2007


Exotic woods are a touchy subject - aesthetically beautiful, but often endangered or irresponsibly harvested. Here is a fat stack of 100% salvaged Brooklyn exotica. Live and direct - saved from the garbage bin and ready for a second chance to shred.

Above is a selection of Bloodwood, Tigerwood, Teak, Peruvian Walnut, Paduke & African Mahogany. They are ready to be sliced and sanded - I'm thinking my landlady is gonna love my new stash - especially the hum of my bandsaw crankin' on a Sunday morning.

Ok so my bandsaw is pretty quiet, but check out these twin keels. Shown above are (from top to bottom) Bloodwood, Peruvian Walnut & Tigerwood. Now it's time to foil. The Walnut is by far going to be the easiest to sand. No grinder right now, but my orbital sander should cover it. I'll throw a 60-grit on and post up when they're ready for glassin'


Anonymous said...

Multiple puddles of Doug-O's drool, 50 unfinished fins, and still no **expletive** coffee table. Will this guy ever put down his Visine long enough to build something useful? Here's to me not having to rush this guy to the ER after he mistakenly grabs the blade of the band saw with the same untempered enthusiasm he grabs his nightly glass - usually glasses - of pinot.

Anonymous said...

mr. p still owes me some useful **expletive** stuff from yesteryear...

Anonymous said...

I got exotic hardwood in my pants.