[ in the lineup with scott bass & sam george ]
The bro's over at Surfer Magazine had the web-cast of episode no. 3 today & it was epic! My long-time friend Kevin of Psylicyde & Surfer Magazine was good enough to bring me over to sit in live for today's show. Rob Machado showed up to show some love and talk about what he has been up to. Most recently, Rob had the opportunity to travel to the Maldives with Laird Hamilton & Mr. Pipeline - Gerry Lopez for an adventure.
Later on in the segment, Laird Hamilton called in from Kauai, where he just finished shooting a commercial for Davidoff cologne. The Hawaiian Islands are absolutely going off right now. Swells are forecasted in the 10'-15' range with good conditions. Laird is definitely having a ball over there. He has to be the most stoked person that I have ever heard speak. His energy definitely got everyone in the room pumped. Laird left the crew with the sure lesson of the day. This is a concept that I have been kicking around in my head for some time now: As a true leader, you must lead by example. He nailed it!
Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.
Yes, leadership is all about setting the personal example! Lots of managers out there these days, not many leaders. Where did all the real men go?
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