[ photo courtesy of David Eschrich ]
Dave does it again. About a month ago, Dave, Pody & I took a trip out to Rockaway for a dawn patrol session. Waves were in the chest to head-high range and the winds were light. Pody & I sat on the jetty at B90th and scored some solid lefts. There were a couple of loud-mouths in the water heckling no one in particular. I remember thinking to myself, “man, these guys a really killing this vibe.” I couldn’t imagine how someone could even think of anything else that morning, but focusing on the near perfect conditions.
We ended the session and Dave had unloaded his camera. He really got some great shots standing on the jetty with his tripod. Pody and I got were checking out Dave’s flicks when the two loudmouths approached. “Hey did you get any shots of me?’ the first one asked. Dave responded, “yeah, I got a bunch of really good shots actually.”
To make a long story short, we all ended up at the loudest of the loud mouth’s home, Jeff Anthony, down the block eating breakfast sandwiches watching Fair Bits on his living room floor. After we bro’d out for a few, we made our way back to B91st and scored some smaller, but very fun swell. These dudes really were solid, stand-up guys afterall.
Here is a photo of the not-so loudmouth, but still making plenty of noise, Ron Shein.